Do I really need a birth plan?
Sometimes, the purpose of a birth plan is misunderstood, so let’s take a second to talk about how a birth plan can help you.
Creating a birth plan is not about outlining a laundry list of wishes and desires, but much more about taking a journey of self-discovery so that you can find your own unique approach to labor and birth. You have LOTS of options, from environmental considerations to pain relief choices. Writing a birth plan allows you to make decisions for you and your baby and to communicate this approach to others.
Here, in The Netherlands, it’s far more common to find a woman who has a birth plan than one that does not. In fact, one of our routine midwife appointments is extended in order to build a birth plan and discuss our own personal preferences.
What you may have heard is true, a birth plan is not written in stone and rarely goes according to plan. In fact, I can almost guarantee your plan will evolve and change during your labor and birth. Having your birth plan change is completely normal and should not make you feel uneasy.
I’m guessing when life doesn’t go according to plan you’ve always persisted, the same will be true in labor and birth. It’s more than just pressing on through challenges and accepting change though. It’s about embracing change.
Knowing you can handle anything thrown your way makes you strong. Stack the deck in your favor: develop a birth plan AND remain open to that plan evolving.
The Planning For Baby Birth Plan Kit is a powerful tool that can clearly and directly communicate your preferences during labor and birth. Let your birth plan be the definitive conversation starter between you and yourself; you and your partner; and you and your healthcare providers. Labor and birth comes in all shapes and sizes... just like pregnancy. It isn’t one size fits all. That’s the real beauty of this whole journey you are on. Every pregnancy is different, as every birth is different, as every mother is different, just as every baby will be different.
We’re here to provide you with information about all your options, so you can make decisions, determine your preferences and map out a birth plan. We’re also here to be your biggest cheerleaders: You. Are. Going. To. Crush. This.
This process should be part confidence booster, part strategy session. Get informed and greet empowerment with a damn big smile.